Kirkcaldy DJ Alan Cameron's "Big Show" Kept Spirits High All Over The World During The Lockdown     
(Fife Free Press Quote /Story-)

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  • Well our DJ Alan Cameron produced and presented a radio show that could be seen on people's tellys from his home, every Friday and Saturday night for almost 2 years in total,accompanied by his cat Tom who sadly passed away during the second part there was a short period of a break in between each year whilst the world was in lockdown for a 2nd time he entertained listeners from all over the World, who were locked in their homes, but, who tuned in to hear "The Big Show" , for the banter and the music reminiscing about the 'old disco days' when Alan played at Bentleys and Jackie 'O's and many other clubs, he talked about old times. The show was a bit of a  phenomenon and it saw people from all over the world reconnecting through the chat facility with each other and to Alan through their love for the clubs they went to back in Scotland in their youthful days. The listeners were named the TST as one of Alan's catchphrases was 'here's one from the top shelf' meaning an easily recogniseable tune by everyone, TST was coined into 'Top Shelf Troops' , like Ferrari's 'Tifossie' lol. They we're sad times but great times for a few hours per week when people forgot their worries for a little while and had a drink and a laugh whilst watching / listening to the show. Friday night was music from 1965 onwards to the present date the time with many competitions and one particular competition where listeners could phone in to a spoof of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" and pit their wits against Alan in the pop music quiz, which he called "Who wants to beat Alan on Air". He enjoyed giving up his time, he was not working as he was part of the entertainment sector and therefore fell foul of the lockdown but he was pleased with the reception and many fabulous comments he had from listeners about the show. TST forever and ever. Ofcourse it was all powered by

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